Always such a fun read. I, also, didn’t stay up on NJO, even though a certain set loved them!

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If "Clone Wars" taught me one thing, it's that we are all brothers, including the battle droids. If a Wookiepedia page was going to be devoted to a single one of them, it should have been the one who said "It won't matter" after his companion said, "There are three of us and only one of him."

I never read NJO. I wanted to back in the day, but there is so much Star Wars material out there, it's hard to find the time. I can remember a time when Star Wars wasn't like Star Trek; when there were a handful of movies, and just a few related curiosities in various media. I've had to come to terms with the fact that it IS like Star Trek now, with a ton of content, some good, some bad.

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I read NJO as it was coming out and the books are still on the shelf. If I remember correctly it felt like there were 3-4 books that were tent poles and the rest were closer to filler.

The series worked well enough there were two more lots-of-books series after.

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Well, now I have more vinyl to buy. Thanks.

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You should always be buying more vinyl.

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